Live streams

Good to see you here! On this page, you can find my current live stream and its resources. You can also check out the previous live streams and my schedule.

I try to do live streams once or twice a month, and I stream on Youtube. You need to be a subscriber in order to join the chat. In my stream I do short projects, or show techniques and materials. I also try to answer as many questions as I can.

I announce my upcoming live streams on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, but the easiest way to stay up-to-date is through my newsletter!

Current/next live stream

Wednesday, March 1th, 2025 at 8 PM CET.

(That’s 11 AM Los Angeles, 2 PM New York and 7 PM Dublin time on January 30. It’s 6 AM Sydney time on January 31.)

Live stream resources

Raw and burnt sienna in oil paint. The references can be downloaded here:


Or you can use the edit that use in the video:

Previous live stream

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