The Drawn Together show is back! (with meeee lol)

I’m so happy that Dylan and Shannon decided to get back to this project because I LOVE it. I hardly watch anything on YouTube except for this show. What is it you ask? Simple; friends doing art, talking about art, nerding about art, laughing about art.

All the things we need to escape the world for just a little bit. And yes, you’re allowed to escape every once in a while if you are able to. Doing live stream is just a way for us to connect even more, with people across the world.

I was a guess on Dylan and Shannon’s show during episode 49 and we’re back for another go! We’ll be drawing, chatting and ripping out pages and starting over (that would be me) and covering everything with paint. (also me)

I have some casually dramatic reference photos because that’s my middle name and you can draw along or just hang out in the chat with us.

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Images: 10

You can use these images as a reference for making artworks. Please don’t alter the original image or redistribute them in any way. Thanks.

Make sure you’re subscribed to the brand new Drawn Together YouTube channel so you don’t miss an episode!

See you there on Thursday February 6th at 8PM CET!

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