Mixed Emotions / Portrait 4

4.6 Final marks

introduction As we go through the final stages of this project, we also move towards the end of this course. This final portrait has been more personal than anything I’ve ever shared, and after much doubt, it seemed only fitting. Looking back, I also realized there was nothing else I could have done. I can […]

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4.5 Hands & details

introduction I had a certain idea or vision about the hands, but I’d like to remind you that your own creative input here is important. You don’t have to follow my style. I emphasize the hands with a light color, in a sense creating a contrast that detaches them from the the body or the

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4.4 Knife painting

introduction Palette knife painting is something you really need to get a hang of. It’s not as easy as some really experienced people make it look! I’ve spent so long making an absolute mess that I almost gave up. But when you master the technique, it gives really unique results. One of the things that

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4.3 Washes

introduction I like water, you probably know that by now haha! 🙂 It gives a sense of freedom and it’s transparency makes me feel like it’s not so permanent. You can also achieve this with watercolors, or even pastels if that’s something you prefer. materials for this project Watercolor paper I’m using 300gr/140lbs watercolor paper

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4.2 Background & sketch

introduction I like to experiment a bit in the background phase of a project. Some things might work, some might not. It doesn’t really matter because everything can still be covered up. Take the time to ease into this. Explore your face. See what colors feel right, what shapes you might want to emphasize. materials

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4.1 Introduction

introduction Before we get started, I wanted to do a short introduction on my process and thoughts on self-portraits. As many of you might relate, painting myself was not without struggle or hesitation. In a world where we are often told to not put ourselves in the centre of attention, it felt almost counter intuitive

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